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Listserv (Google Group)

The NAGPRA Community of Practice (NCP) has a Google Group that functions as a listserv. It is a place for NCP facilitators to share announcements and updates with the community and provides space for community members to engage in collective learning, knowledge sharing, and networking.


Things to consider when posting


Topics related to NAGPRA include sensitive issues rooted in a painful legacy. Please be mindful of what and how you share, and be open to learning from others. Try to assume the best intentions on the part of other participants.

Please do not share confidential or sensitive information with the group.

Please consider the language you are using. While terminology preferences vary, NCP members have shared resources on respectful terminology in our Google Drive including Respectful Terminology in Archaeological Compliance and University Museums’ at Colgate Respectful Language List.


If your response to a post may be of interest to the group, please consider replying so everyone can read it. Please direct personal replies to specific individuals rather than to the entire group.


In the event of offensive or inappropriate postings, the NCP Steering Committee reserves the right to make decisions about the continued participation of community members on the listserv.



Visit Google Groups to find and join the NAGPRA Community of Practice group. Visit Google Groups Help for support.


Once you are a group member, you can start a conversation by sending an email to All posts are moderated by group managers. Manage your membership settings from the NAGPRA Community of Practice Google Group page.

Common Questions and Concerns

My employer restricts access to Google products. Unfortunately, we do not have a solution to this issue. One workaround has been to sign up with two email addresses - a work address to get the emails in your inbox and a personal address to access the group on-line to see an archive of conversations.

Google is defaulting to my Gmail address when I try to join the group. You may be able to sign up for a Google account with a non-gmail address. If you still have trouble, group administrators can directly add you to the group or invite you to join. Contact Anne Amati at or Kate Compton-Gore at

How do I post anonymously? Group administrators can post a question or response anonymously on your behalf. Contact Kate Compton-Gore at

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